"The God of heaven will give us success; therefore we His servants will arise and build" (Nehemiah 2:20)
  إله السماء يعطينا النجاح ونحن عبيده نقوم ونبني

We are a medical, legal and technical translation firm located in Orange County, Southern California. With years of global experience, local expertise, and proven reliability, we have been providing a broad range of high quality services to a wide range of high net worth clientele, including both businesses and individuals worldwide. We connect, communicate, and collaborate in a competitive business world wraping up deals swiftly and with minimum of fuss. We empower our partners to compete globally. We have learnt how to shift our networking goals from numbers and volume to quality and relationships through customer knowledge and performance in a cross cultural context of innovation and change. In business, innovation is the conversion of ideas into cash. 

By faith we can see the invisible, believe the incredible and receive the impossible.
Door geloof kunnen wij onzichtbaar zien, ongelooflijk geloven, en onmogelijk ontvangen.
Durch Glauben können wir das unsichtbare sehen, das unglaubliche glauben und das unmögliche empfangen.
Da fede possiamo vedere l'invisibile, credere l'incredibile e ricevere l'impossibile.
Par la foi nous pouvons voir l'invisible, croire l'incroyable et recevoir l'impossible.
Por la fe podemos ver lo invisible, creer lo increíble, y recibir lo imposible.
بالإيمان نرى غير المنظور، ونصدق غير المعقول، ويتحقق لنا المستحيل